
My 3 Favorite Showerheads So Far...

Top Low Flow Showerheads - Less than 2.0 gpm

Alsons Fluidics / Delta H2OKinetics

Available in 1.85, 1.6, and 1.5 gpm.

High Sierra 1.5 gpm Shower Head

The High Sierra is particularly useful for those who have old metal pipes in old houses which are clogged with corrosion, thus restricting water flow.

Honorable Mention

The Niagara Earth Massage is available in White and Chrome plastic and in 1.25, 1.5 1.75, and 2.0 gpm.   It does a pretty good job at low flow for dirt cheap, but the two above are better at rinsing with better spray force. The higher the flow the better the rinse and shower feel with these. 


Other Shower Heads that Look Promising

Kohler Forte 3 Function - A bit pricey.  Dialing down to fewer and fewer numbers of individual spray nozzles, pumps up the pressure.  The smallest circle of jets has an outward spreading conical shape which is good for coverage.

Waterpik Original Powerspray+ 6 Function


Don't Get Ripped Off! Volume 3

I've seen these for sale on eBay.  These are very similar to the Super Power Shower showerheads that are sold at Home Depot for a $1.25 a piece.  They aren't particuarly good performers, though not terrible.  But they certainly are nothing to get excited about.